School Ethos and Values Statement
Our 3 Core Values that underpin all we do are:
Believe Inspire Achieve
Believe - Learners should have confidence and self belief. They should take risks and learn from their mistakes. Develop independence, daring to dream - reaching for the stars
Inspire - Be inspired by their learning and by each other. Share knowledge, skills and understanding with each other and beyond. Motivated and enthusiastic. Work as a team to build a great school and community
Achieve - Celebrate our talents. Ensure every child fulfils their potential - academic and social. High achievement and attainment. Enjoy and celebrate in successes. Life Long Learning
Our Aims and Values
- Aim for everyone to be Life Long Learners
- Respect and support each other
- Embrace challenges and take risks
- Value everyone
- Are positive and have an enthusiasm for learning
- Are good role models
- Have high expectations
- Encourage responsibility
- Provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment where children can thrive
- Offer a broad, balanced, creative and enriching curriculum
- Develop problem solving and team work skills
- Embrace diversity and respect differences