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School Uniform

At Christchurch Primary School we strive to achieve a strong sense of community. It is important that we all feel part of this community and we encourage all our pupils to wear school uniform. We would ask parents to ensure that their child wears school uniform daily.


The uniform consists of: 


Items with the School Logo  

Red sweatshirt                                    

Black fleece jacket                              

White polo shirt                                                       

Black knitted hat

P.E. bag

Book bag


Non-Logo Items

Black jogging bottoms                                              

Black or dark grey skirt / pinafore dress                 

Black or dark grey shorts / trousers                       

Summer dress – red & white check                         

Headscarves – red, white or black (Plain)    


P.E. bag

Book bag – for ease of storage within classrooms we would ask that your child has a school book bag in which to bring home reading books.


Items with the school logo can be purchased from:


Lucilla School Uniform Shop,

180 Cranbrook Road

0208 554 5133





Rupen School Uniform Shop

98-100 Meads Lane,

Ilford.  IG3 8QN

0208 590 3734


Other items of school clothing (Non-logo) can be purchased from any High Street retail shop. We do ask that pupils come dressed in school colours and do not wear branded sportswear to school (tracksuits/hoodies), with the exception of non-uniform days.

All clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.  



We ask that all children wear sensible flat shoes.  Trainers that are worn outside are not suitable for apparatus or floor work in the Hall.  Shoes with Velcro fasteners are preferable for younger children.  During the warmer weather, socks must be worn with open toe sandals.


In the interest of safety, jewellery should not be worn.  If children have pierced ears, they should wear only studs, as other types of ear ornaments are unsafe in school.  Staff will not be responsible for watches, should you allow your child to wear one.


Your child will need a set of clothes to change into for PE lessons.  This should consist of a white T-shirt, a pair of black shorts, plain jogging bottoms (grey or black) and a pair of black plimsolls (the type with elasticated fronts are best for young children).  These should all be kept at school in a bag with a drawstring top, all clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Carrier bags are unsuitable and therefore not allowed.

Watches and jewellery may not be worn during P.E. sessions.

If, for religious reasons, your child cannot wear the recommended dress for P.E. you should provide an agreed alternative.