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Parenting Support

Redbridge Services

Being a parent is one of the most responsible and difficult tasks there are. Below are links to other organisations, in and out of Redbridge, aimed to help you as a parent to fulfil this important role.

Please select a topic from the list below:

Redbridge Council Website Web icon

Citizens Advice Redbridge Web icon

Redbridge CVS Web icon

Redbridge FIND Web icon


Redbridge Citizens Advice

1st Floor

Redbridge Central Library 
Clements Road 

Telephone Advice Line: 0300 330 9063 (Mon - Fri - 9.00 am - 5.00pm)

Redbridge Safer Communities Partnership

The Redbridge Safer Communities Partnership is the multi-agency partnership for all crime, disorder and drug and alcohol misuse issues in Redbridge.


Redbridge Community Safety Partnership Web icon


Email: community.safety@redbridge.gov.uk


Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse can happen across ages, social class, race, gender, sexuality and disability.Women are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse but men can be victims too. Click on the link below for advice and support:

Redbridge Domestic Violence support website Web icon


Reach Out is a new domestic abuse service for any adult who is living in fear of abuse, or being abused. The service also provides help and support for any child who may be witnessing domestic abuse at home.

The Project also aims to support abusers who are struggling to control their behaviour as it offers helpline and an online support programme designed to prevent abuse from reoccurring.

  • For Victims - Help and support is always available for anyone suffering from #DomesticAbuse during isolation in #Redbridge. Find support at www.redbridge.gov.uk/reachout or call 999 if you are in immediate danger. #ReachOut



  • For Perpetrators - Are you struggling to manage your behaviour and hurting a loved one? Learn how you can stop the abuse from happening by contacting #ReachOut or find support in #Redbridge at www.redbridge.gov.uk/reachout



 For free confidential advice you can call Refuge on 0800 169 7759 or email redbridgevawg@refuge.org.uk

We also run a HELP programme in school for women who may have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse. If you need support please come and speak to our Family Support Worker Maj Nazir on 020 8478 5560